

(Looking at a parked, Mercedes Benz... ...when returning, from Monte Irvin Orange Park... 6:34 PM, on 4/28/24... East Orange, NJ) BRANCHES TO OTHER SITES:  1. ... 2. N/A 3. N/A 4. N/A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6. 10:56 PM (6/6/24): The Fear of Space (  6:52-7:32 "I believe that God the Father, designed the universe... a certain way... ...because he likely, divinely intended... ...for there to be 'voids... ...between worlds'... ...particularly, worlds/planets... differing galaxies...  Why do you think, that is...? NOTE: The 'above' video segment, is intriguing... the context, of the 'above' statement... Imagine being in a pitch-black room, and being told... wait in such, for 2.5 million years... such traveled, at the speed of light... an 'intended destination'...  ...and that upon arrival, the room door... ...would open... 11:10 PM (6/6/24): Extraterrestrial corpses, being p