(Looking at a parked, Mercedes Benz... ...when returning, from Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...at 6:34 PM, on 4/28/24... ...in East Orange, NJ)


1. ...

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. N/A

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


10:56 PM (6/6/24):

The Fear of Space (youtube.com) 6:52-7:32

"I believe that God the Father, designed the universe... ...in a certain way... ...because he likely, divinely intended... ...for there to be 'voids... ...between worlds'... ...particularly, worlds/planets... ...in differing galaxies... 

Why do you think, that is...?

The 'above' video segment, is intriguing... ...in the context, of the 'above' statement... Imagine being in a pitch-black room, and being told... ...to wait in such, for 2.5 million years... ...as such traveled, at the speed of light... ...to an 'intended destination'... 

...and that upon arrival, the room door... ...would open...

11:10 PM (6/6/24):

Extraterrestrial corpses, being presented... ...to Mexico's Congress
NOTE #1:
Based off the 'above' video segment (from 10:56 PM, on 6/6/24)... ...my hypothesis, is... ...in order, to survive a journey... ...from one galaxy, to another (Andromeda to Milky Way, for instance), the form of 'an extraterrestrial (civilization-based organism)'... ...would likely, have to be... ...as 'resilient,' as the ones... ...'on display'...
(assuming, these beings had ships... ...that they used, to travel... ...at the speed of light... ...or 'faster'... ...when, alive...)
5:39 PM (6/7/24):
NOTE #2:
The speed of light, is 186,000 miles... per second (approximately)
[this implies, that if one counted to 5.37... ...one would be, '1 million (1,000,000)' miles away... ...if traveling, at the speed of light (while counting)]
Something I stumbled upon, via Google search... (makes you wonder, about the Animal Kingdom... ...throughout... ...'the universe')
5:51 PM (6/7/24):
An octopus, has 8 arms... ...aside, from having... '3' hearts... ...and '9' brains (1 central brain & 8 mini brains)
Octopuses need all '3' of their hearts, to survive... ...but if they lose 'a' brain, they can still... ...endure...
...in a different galaxy, you wonder what creatures... ...live, under water...
6:01 PM (6/7/24):
"Why did God the Father, give the octopus... 9 brains, 8 arms & 3 hearts?" - Michael Izuchukwu
6:09 PM (6/7/24):
Octopuses have short lifespans - many live, only 1 to 2 years (in the context, of their 'aforementioned anatomy')...
My hunch, is that God designed these animals... ...in such a way, as to highlight... ...how sometimes, there is ugliness... ...in complexity...
'1' fallen domino, can lead to the downfall... ...of a 'domino army'...
6:20 PM (6/7/24):
'1' domino, was not... ...supposed, to be there...
6:26 PM (6/7/24):
6:11 PM (6/7/24):


9:53 PM (6/6/24):

Roommate (Brice) sleeping, after having consumed an entire box... ...of Papa John's pizza (that his mom, got for him), within the past day/24 hours... Photo snapped, at 9:35 PM... on 6/6/24
NOTE #1:
Brice was born, on 3/23/94
NOTE #2:
Obesity & 'questionable blood flow'... ...is noticeable ('detected')
NOTE #3:
Pepperoni pizza
NOTE #4:
10:04 PM (6/6/24):
NOTE #6:



10:46 AM (5/31/24):
The Fugitive (1993) - Dr. Kimble saves a little boy's life at Cook County Hospital - YouTube

"Truth, is stranger... ...than fiction..." - Mark Twain

To this, I would add '...but sometimes, within fiction... ...truth, can be derived...'



1:48 PM (5/31/24):

College graduate Kairan Quazi @thepythonkairan — age 10 when we originally shared this video, now a 14-year-old employee at #SpaceX — has… | Instagram 

Kairan Quazi, is the type of person... ...who might have the capability... ...of breaking through the firewall, of a government building... ...such as, the Pentagon... ...when, he gets older (based off, his trajectory)

He knew 19 computer programming languages, by the 4th grade...


11:58 AM (5/31/24):

Migrants in America - West Africans trying to find new home in Harlem (youtube.com)

Entering the establishment 'Bread & Butter' (New York, NY - 11:48 AM, on 3/12/24) - YouTube


'Bread & Butter' - Photo of pepper-topped… lo mein noodles & broccoli & chicken... ...at 11:53 AM, on 3/12/24


'Bread & Butter' - Photo of salmon... ...at 11:53 AM, on 3/12/24)


11:10 AM (5/31/24):

(...the shore, of Normandy pond...)
Watching geese, in Monte Irvin Orange Park... ...at 7:12 PM, on 5/30/24... I spotted 5 green-headed geese & 8 black and white-headed geese...
(G BW)
The 80th anniversary, of D-Day... ...is 6/6/24 (such occurred, in Normandy, France... ...during World War 2)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


12:16 PM (5/29/24):

...If anything, I am of the impression... ...that 'aortic dilation,' is one of the predominant... and silent ('subtly mentioned') causations... ...of human mortality/death, via 'natural causes'... ...as though, not being mindful of such... ...causes such, a phenomenon... ...to equate, to 'longevity constraints'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:
Aortic dilation, could be likened... ...to titration ('dropping liquid,' drop by drop)... ...which alludes, to the 'ticking... ...of a clock'...


3:13 PM (5/30/24):
Hercules Saves Megara Scene - YouTube (1:43-2:17)

(Regarding above, 'NOTE #1' is metaphorical... ...for that video segment)

...such makes me think, that there are beings in the 4th spatial dimension... ...that have intermittent conferences, with Jesus Christ (assuming, He is presently '4.19-dimensional')... ...and they, may have oversight... ...regarding the dynamics, accounting... ...for how long, a human... ...lives (life expectancy-wise)

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... ...you will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man, keep my saying... ...he shall never... see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ) 

NOTE #2:
Regarding 'this,' ignorance... ...is not, bliss... 

"Prevention, is better... ...than the cure..." - Desiderius Erasmus

3:24 PM (5/30/24):
The Princess Bride (7/12) Movie CLIP - The Torture Machine (1987) HD (youtube.com)

If one exercises, in a certain way... ...while this is in tandem, with proper nutrition... ...one's height, gender and age (H.G.A.)... ...likely are variables, which are less influential... ...after, a time-sensitive 'threshold'... ...has been reached...

3:38 PM (5/30/24):

Google Search snapshot, from 3:37 PM... on 5/30/24...
Apparently, 'there have been' cases... ...where aortic dilation, reversed...

4:00 PM (5/30/24):
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God... ...all things, are possible...” - Matthew 19:26
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible... ...with God..." - Luke 18:27

6:03 PM (5/30/24):


Risk of complications in ascending aortic aneurysm, as a function of aortic diameter... and height

NOTE #1:
The 'above' graph, features findings... ...within, 'The Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery'
NOTE #2:
I am 6'4" (76 inches), but for the sake of achieving the 'reversal... ...of my dilated aorta'... ...once I go from 241 pounds (on 5/23/24)... ...to 211 pounds... ...I may seek, to refine this... ...by getting to 201 pounds (a net weight loss, of 40 pounds)... 
Till then, as one who is 6'4"... ...I may act, as though I am 6'3.8"... ...for the sake, of making my form... ...seem, 'more compact'... ...and increasingly coordinated... ('slightly' varying my posture, will likely relax... ...my muscles)
NOTE #3:
There are 12 inches, in '1' foot...
6:15 PM (5/30/24):
(pressure equates to force, divided by area...)

2:06 PM (5/31/24):
"Vitamin C attenuated the development of AAA, decreasing maximal aortic diameter by 25.8% (P < 0.05) and preserving elastin lamellae (P < 0.05)."
NOTE #1:
There appears to be a correlation, between ingestion of Vitamin C... ...and 'aortic dilation' reversal...
7:47 PM (5/31/24):
NOTE #2:
I think what happens, is that as one gets older... ...if one is not physically fit (and healthy, in the context of biological age... ...in relation, to chronological age)... ...then one is more sensitive, to the effects... ...of aortic dilation... ...as opposed, to exhibiting 'partial immunity'... ...to them...
...this line of thinking, reminds me of the concept... ...of Zeno's Paradox... ...
...in tandem, with 'reached thresholds,' checkpoints, and time-dependent catalysts...


ASCENT OF ARTICLES & LINKS (newsworthy, &/or of interest), ALONG WITH MINI DIARY (darkestangel153.blogspot.com)

NOTE #3:

Goku turns Super Saiyan for the 2nd time [Funimation] - YouTube (0:28-0:53)

Regarding the 'above' video segment, Frieza arguably entered... ...'negro mode,' in the context... ...of one, who is excessively prideful... ...and deluded, by grandeur...


12:33 PM (5/30/24):
"And To Make It Worse, He's Just A Monkey" (youtube.com)

Interesting video, of Goku versus Frieza (on Planet Namek)... ...Frieza appeared 'afraid,' and 'tired'...


the best cure is prevention - Google Search

Her Workout Goal: LONGEVITY! 🤩 (youtube.com)

8:38 PM (5/29/24):
What Is The Biggest Life Lesson I've Learned In Track? | Kunle (youtube.com) (0:00-6:56)

Regarding the above video segment, the dialogue is reflective... ...and the music, is cathartic... Recovery-like...

I guess you could say, that today (5/29/24)... I am confirming... ...that I essentially 'retired' from the pursuit, of my triple jumping ideal... ...as of 5/23/24 (when I had a consultation, about a 'dilated aorta'... ...of mine).

...Nevertheless, I believe my 'triple jump conditioning'... and 'history' in that track & field event... ...have helped facilitate, my ability... ...to potentially be, an 'asymptotic ager'... 

It can be inferred, that 'genuinely partaking'... ...in such a process, is multifaceted (spiritual, mental & physical)... ...I had been pursuing my triple jumping ideal, since age 15... ...even though, I first gained exposure... ...to the sport... ...in the 4th grade (age 10)...


2021 OLYMPICS TRIPLE JUMP - PODIUM (2021tokyotriplejump.blogspot.com) 


CERTAIN TRIALS (outsideboxes360.blogspot.com)

8:00 PM (5/29/24):

How I get everything I want, almost instantly. - YouTube

When I watched 0:00-2:05 of the 'above' video, I got the impression... ...that this dude (Landon Brazile), has a phenotype ('external appearance')... ...that is relatable, to JJ/John Jr. (my middle brother)... ...even though, I have not seen JJ... ...since the Fall of 2018 (for reasons, which he 'imposed'... ...upon, himself)

7:41 PM (5/29/24):

Watching an Audrey Kao YouTube video recommendation (6:43 PM, on 5/29/24) - YouTube

Inception-like video, that I decided to film... ...regarding me, watching the following video:

How to Stop Being Insecure in Your Relationships in 5 Steps - YouTube 

Regarding the video, that I filmed... ...I did such, in a way... ...that was intended, to shed light... ...on how there are people in 'developing regions,' of the world... ...who might think, that a woman... ...was trapped, in the computer (laptop)... ...that I was viewing... ...due to having been raised, in poverty (and having been 'technologically disadvantaged'... ...in a 'third world' country)

7:39 PM (5/29/24):

The surprising size, of Africa ('14' times larger, than such appears... ...on geographic maps) - YouTube 

Comprehending the scope, of Africa (1 of 7 continents, that is home... to 54 countries)... ...can be counterintuitive...


1. GETTING TO MOUNT PARGON: FOR WHAT, SHOULD IT PROFIT... A MAN...? (cashorgod42.blogspot.com)

